Under Saddam Hussein, women in government got a year's maternity leave; that is now cut to six months. Under the Personal Status Law in force since Jul. 14, 1958, when Iraqis overthrew the British-installed monarchy, Iraqi women had most of the rights that Western women do.
Now they have Article 2 of the Constitution: "Islam is the official religion of the state and is a basic source of legislation." Sub-head A says "No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam." Under this Article the interpretation of women's rights is left to religious leaders – and many of them are under Iranian influence.
The title of the article is "Women Miss Saddam". Is that really true? Or do Iraqi women simply miss secularism, which existed in Iraq before Saddam made himself President?
"The title of the article is "Women Miss Saddam". Is that really true? Or do Iraqi women simply miss secularism, which existed in Iraq before Saddam made himself President? "
Does it really matter?
Saddam was the force that kept Iraq secular. When he was eliminated it was virtually inevitable that the religious nuts would take over. Iraq = Iran 2.0
But then, far better to massacre hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and have the religious nutters in power than one more day of Saddam, isn't it?
After all, you are all about sectarian favouritism, and you don't have to personally pay the price for this disaster. Isn't that true, Mojo?
"Does it really matter?"
Of course it matters, maybe only to Iraqis. 3arab jarab and other anti-American schmucks like to pretend that Saddam was good for Iraq and that all Iraqis miss him. They like to pretend that Saddam brought secularism to Iraq. It is a lie that clueless 3arab jarab will probably repeat until their deaths.
"Saddam was the force that kept Iraq secular."
Other forces could have kept Iraq secular. There were many choices. It appears that in the year 2010 democracy is the force that might bring secularism back to Iraq. Secular Iraqis have voted for secular candidates.
Bruno's comment reminded me of the Iraqi hottie I met in Boston in 2008. She claimed that Saddam made education free in Iraq. I told her that education was always free in Iraq. She said yeah but he kept it that way! LOL! Anybody could have taken over Iraq and maintained secularism and socialism.
"far better to massacre hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and have the religious nutters in power than one more day of Saddam, isn't it?"
That has been the attitude of Al Qaeda and the hardcore Saddamists. Al Qaeda wanted their religious nutters in power. Saddamists wanted the Ba3thi 3arab jarab in power. They both lost.
"It was during the decade of sanctions, as central power weakened, that the fundamentalism and Salafism associated with the insurgency grew roots in Iraq. The works of the Iraqi exile thinker Muhammad Ahmad al-Rashid on jihad and the Islamic state, which were smuggled from Egypt, gained a following, but more important, the tentacles of fundamentalist and Salafist trends popular elsewhere in the region began to penetrate the country.
The Muslim Brotherhood, with its strong presence in Jordan and Syria and affiliation with the Wahhabi establishment in Saudi Arabia, established itself in the Sunni regions of western Iraq that border on Jordan and Syria, and is today entrenched in the Iraqi Islamic Party. Firebrand preachers such as the Egyptian Hamid Kashk and the Syrian Mahmoud Qoul Aghassi (also known as Abu Qaqaa) were popular with Iraqi Sunnis even before the war., and copies of their sermons became ubiquitous in Sunni towns afterward. Throughout the decade of anti-Saddam sanctions, Jordanian mosques remained concerned with the plight of ordinary Iraqis and raised funds that were disbursed through mosque networks in Iraq. Also active in Iraq were Islamic activists such as Laith Shubailath of Jordan and extremist Salafist activists – some with close ties to al-Qaeda – such as Muhammad al-Maqdisi, who is a friend and by some accounts one of Zarqawi's mentors. Before the war topped the Saddam regime, extremists from everywhere would come to the Jordanian-Iraqi border towns to buy weapons smuggled out of Iraq. Trade in weapons created ties that straddled boundaries and gave extremists contacts and allies inside Iraq, and in turn made it possible for the growing insurgency in that country to spread across the region.
Extremist activists had an incentive to move into Iraq. The were losing ground to the more moderate main body of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan and were often hounded by Jordanian or Syrian security forces. Their activism over the decade leading to the Iraq war not only introduced fundamentalist thinking in al-Anbar but also created organizational links that would facilitate the insurgency after the war. In fact, Zarqawi's emergence as a force so soon after the war reveals the extent of involvement of Jordanian Salafis in Iraq. Extremist ties between Jordan and Iraq ran in both directions. The flight of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi exiles and refugees to Jordan and Syria has only expanded the opportunity for building extremist networks that cut across national boundaries. The extremism that was exported to Iraq before and during the war, strengthened and radicalized, spread back into Jordan. The same ties also made developments in Iraq directly relevant to Islamic activism in Syria and Saudi Arabia."
–Vali Nasr, The Shia Revival
I guess the point here is that women did better pre-2003, and that needs to be addressed.
Women did better. Men did better. Youth did better. Workers did better. Peasants did better. Students did better. The elderly did better. The cities did better. The villages did better. All Iraqis did better. They lived in a wonderful society. It was so good the imperialist powers had to destroy it.
Well destroy they did, and destroyed it will remain until Iraq returns to the Iraqi people.
The past two days have been pretty good for the resistance. About a dozen police have been killed, and a few American terrorist soldiers also.
I guess the point here is that women did better pre-2003, and that needs to be addressed.
What women? Women afraid their families would be jailed and executed if the they accidentally *dreamed* something contrary to Saddam's regime? Executed by slow-hanging if they said something Saddam considered personally insulting to him or his family?
How about the girls raped and murdered by Qusay Hussain? Were they better off?
Those rape rooms were official tools of state. They weren't the invention of an aberrant serial killer or criminal militias. That's not just a dangerous situation. It's hopeless.
Do you really believe that was WORTH the ability of certain Arab women to walk in jeans in a FEW places in Baghdad?
Enjoy that ice-cold Koolaid, CMARII, you laughable buffoon.
The Ba3thi elite did much better before 2003, that's for sure.
"The past two days have been pretty good for the resistance. About a dozen police have been killed, and a few American terrorist soldiers also."
The brave Arab resistance took a break from murdering Iraqi kids and killed US soldiers? When, where and how? All I read about was an accident that killed two Americans.
Some women did worse before 2003:
"A woman known as Um Haydar was beheaded reportedly without charge or trial at the end of December 2000. She was 25 years' old and married with three children. Her husband was sought by the security authorities reportedly because of his involvement in Islamist armed activities against the state. He managed to flee the country. Men belonging to Feda'iyye Saddam came to the house in al-Karrada district and found his wife, children and his mother. Um Haydar was taken to the street and two men held her by the arms and a third pulled her head from behind and beheaded her in front of the residents. The beheading was also witnessed by members of the Ba'ath Party in the area. The security men took the body and the head in a plastic bag, and took away the children and the mother-in-law. The body of Um Haydar was later buried in al-Najaf. The fate of the children and the mother-in-law remains unknown."
The brave Arab resistance took a break from murdering Iraqi kids and killed US soldiers? When, where and how? All I read about was an accident that killed two Americans.
3/15/10 8:35 PM
Of course stupid. Remember you are the one too stupid to speak or read Arabic. Stupid idiots like you would not have any information. That is normal stupid. Since when have you been informed? Memri does not cover resistance operations stupid. Remember this is why you are stupid.
You mean Arab "news sources" told you the resistance killed US soldiers?
The real news that Arabs are evidently not getting:
"A CAR bomb exploded in the Iraqi city of Falluja yesterday, killing eight and wounding 21.
The majority of casualties were workers who had gathered in the hope of being hired for a day’s casual labour. This was the first major attack since multiple bombings in Baghdad killed 38 on the morning of the March 7th parliamentary election."
Your brave resistance murdered more ordinary Iraqis, Habis, and that is quite par for the course for the shit-for-brains 3arab jarab.
Saddamists killed Iraqis before 2003 and after 2003. The only difference is that more people are paying attention now.
"US military: 2 soldiers die in Iraq in accident
(AP) – 6 days ago
BAGHDAD — The U.S. military says two American soldiers have died in a vehicle accident in Iraq."
Wow, Habis. That's some resistance!
Habis, are the Jordanian jarab good at math? In 2010 how many times more Iraqis as US soldiers has the brave Arab resistance killed?
cox "Almost anything is better than being ruled by Saddam and his sons."
Almost anything is better than being a brainless twat killing people for their own good.
cmar "How about the girls raped and murdered by Qusay Hussain?"
How about the girls raped by US soldiers?
How about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed by your murderous goons at arms?
If it was CMAR coming home to find his family butchered by a bunch of louts, he wouldn't be so tough.
" And of course Iraqis are going to resist occupation. "
It seems the 3arab jarab have been resistance democracy more than occupation. It seems the "resistance" has killed at least 20 times as many Iraqis as Americans.
"Unlike you, Mojo, the rest of your countrymen have dispalyed a frankly astounding spirit and will to freedom in fighting the foreign invader."
LOL! Bruno, do you view Iraq through the eyes of the resistance like the 3arab jarab do? Do you think the resistance is all Iraqi and they kill only US soldiers? OMG you and the 3arab jarab really are quite lame.
The Ba3thi 3arab jarab have been mass murdering Iraqis since the 60s. Saddam got his start murdering Iraqis as an employee (or contractor or subcontractor) of the CIA. And you and the 3arab jarab love Saddam, thought he was good for Iraq. How symbolic!
"I wonder what went wrong with you."
I do not enjoy harming innocent Iraqis. I like democracy, peace, and prosperity for Iraq.
This article is a new low for the Saddamist Sadist Dahr Jamail. Is he competing for a cell adjacent to the lucifer loving Saddam in the 7th lowest level of Jahannum?
For years Dahr campaigned as hard as he could for the murder of the Iraqi Army and Iraqi Police. Dahr lost. The Iraqi Army and Iraqi Police won.
Soon the Iraqi Army will be the highest quality military ever fielded in the Arab world; and there will be nothing that Dahr and his fellow resistance scum can do about it.
Dahr deep down in his heart knows this. Dahr knows that he isn't a tenth the man that the soldiers in the Iraqi Army are. Hence his uncontrolled jealousy and hate.
Mojo supports the Iraqi Army. Notice how this drives anti Iraqi racists mad.
Habis, why don't you learn the real ground truth from the lions who serve in the Iraqi Army.
You could learn a lot from them. They are real men. Soon they will be the highest quality army in Arab history.
Mojo supports the lions in the Iraqi Army?
Do you support the Iraqi Army Habis? You would be wise to support them. So would Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Gulf States, and Egypt. Embrace this new emerging regional superpower. Reach out to it.
Oh not another one of those clowns. Stupid seems to attract all the scum of the earth. So tell me gilgamesh, what are you? Babylonian? Sumerian? You speak Iraqi? What's that?
walak ya ghebby, ya gawad, ya ibn al gahbeh, ana ma bafham arabi? mojo il amreeki bihki arabi? inchab ya kalb ya ibn al siteen alf manyooki. kus umak ala airee ya ibn al sharmoota. walak inta wahad khasees w nathil. yalan abuk ala abul nafathak. inchab!
Stupid, like I told you before you do not know what Iraqis think or say because you do not understand them. You are an American who does not speak Arabic. This clown will not change that fact. Why not take stop sitting behind a screen shouting at arabjarab and go learn Arabic. That way you can understand what Iraqis say and not have to rely on memri or cnn.
and that is my last but not least: If your mother would have then 5 bucks , cheapier, you would speak Iraqi tongue and call me Dad.
"American warmongers like to pretend that they are actually empowered to speak for Iraqis and actually know what real Iraqis want."
The only way to find out what Iraqis want is through free elections, Bruno. And they have voted overwhelmingly for candidates who supported the US invasion to overthrow the tyrant you wish the Iraqis had supported. So all your huffing and puffing are just farts in the wind. Your side lost - get used to it.
"Mojo can thank America for the Al Qaedists."
"Another Caucasian cockaroach telling an Iraqi he can "thank" somebody for bringing death and destruction to Iraq."
1: Stick your fingers in your ears
2: Hum
3: Repeat: the Suuuunnnnniiii did it! the Suuuunnnnniiii did it! a thousand times.
It will help you ignore the facts.
"never cared about ordinary Iraqis who just want to live normal lives."
Sure I did. That's why I opposed the invasion. Because I figured that most Iraqis would rather try and live normal lives than be subjected to years of rape, murder and bombardment.
"you only care for Iraqis who kill Americans."
Bullshit. There are many ways to resist, not all of them violent. YOU only care for the driller-killers, it seems to me.
"It seems the 3arab jarab have been resistance democracy more than occupation"
Assuming you can call "democracy" a system whereby the largest political party in Iraq has been banned through force. Well, sure, you and that creeping cretin Aton (whose main function is making morons feel intelligent) might, but in actual fact that is not democracy.
"Saddam got his start murdering Iraqis as an employee (or contractor or subcontractor) of the CIA."
You're not allowed to mention that. That's too close to thanking America for the AL Qaedists and the invasion.
"you and the 3arab jarab love Saddam, thought he was good for Iraq."
1: No.
2: He was better than this mass-murder that the Americans kicked off
Gilgamesh: "If you slap an Egyptian / Syrian / Palestinian / Lebanese or Jordian in his face, he will say: Thanks. An Iraqi would never do this"
That is true! Iraqis have a lot of spirit. Look at the way they resisted the overwhelming force of the invader for so long. Iraqis filled entire graveyards with the invader, and turned square kilometres of US soil into resting places for destroyed military vehicles. *applauds*
What did you do, Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh ibn al zafra, i will tell u what serseri means. it means all the huthala like you who pretend to be iraqis and can't speak arabic ya jarbo3, ya pusht, ya ibn al barbooga.now you translate that into german ya jayef ibn al jayfa.
Apparently Bruno hasn't noticed that the "resistance" (criminal 3arab jarab) have filled Iraq's graveyards with the corpses of Iraqi youth. Criminal 3arab jarab have killed 20+ times as many Iraqis as Americans, but all Bruno and Habis see is "resistance" to the occupier.
habis, lek inta akbar mu6y w akbar munafiq. shjab el 3arab jarab el amreeka, met guli??
zmal el urduni, ani ma a7chi falas6eezy.
shwakit nikhlus min el 3arab jarab, el munafiqeen el mujrimeen? min 6a7 7adhkum ya 3arab jarab.
"He was better than this mass-murder that the Americans kicked off"
So the stupids of the world really believe Americans have been mass murdering Iraqis? You don't realize it was Saddamists and other 3arab jarab who've bombed Iraqi cafes, universities, bus stations, markets, police stations, etc.?
"the Suuuunnnnniiii did it!"
The Saddamist & Wahhabi 3arab jarab mass murdered Iraqis. The Saddamists had decades of experience in this area before 2003. I guess I shouldn't expect the America-hating leftists and 3arab jarab to acknowledge this fact.
"Iraqis have a lot of spirit."
Wow Bruno said something I agree with. Yes it is quite amazing how Iraqis were determined to vote, despite the threats of murder and terrorism from the cockroach 3arab jarab.
Your resistance cannot kill the Iraqi spirit, no matter how many car bombs and suicide bombers they throw at the Iraqi people.
"I know that becaue unlike you I do speak Arabic and understand what they say when they are speaking. That is how I know what they really think."
And what are the 3arab jarab on TV saying these days? Are they telling their shit-for-brains fans that the brave muqawama has been killing American Crusaders? Are they not telling you about the car bombs that kill and maim ordinary Iraqis? Tell us, hmar el urduni, what you are seeing and hearing on Jarab TV.
Gilgamesh ibn al zafra, i will tell u what serseri means. it means all the huthala like you who pretend to be iraqis and can't speak arabic ya jarbo3, ya pusht, ya ibn al barbooga.now you translate that into german ya jayef ibn al jayfa.
wrong answer, you still didn't answer what serseri means, ya edepsiz!
Oh, it feels great knowing so many Jarabstanis wanna be Iraqis , but they aren't.
Of course, Iraqi Mojo can give you the right answer, what serseri means, because WE are Iraqis, and not Jarabstanis.
and Bruno , I fight for Iraq, too, but on another front, is that okay for you, Chomsky II ?
I would say "serseri" is a bit mild in describing the Jordanian jarab.
Iraqi Mojo said...
I would say "serseri" is a bit mild in describing the Jordanian jarab.
3/17/10 9:31 AM
Stop trying to pose as someone who speaks Arabic. You do not speak Arabic. You are embarassing.
and Bruno , I fight for Iraq, too, but on another front, is that okay for you, Chomsky II ?
3/17/10 9:23 AM
Sure Gilgamesh you and stupidmojo are both part of that same brave fighting force that sits on their asses behind a computer searching blogs that have Arab commentors so you can call them names and use curse words over and over and over again. Now that is what I call a significant contribution to Iraq and the Iraqi people.
How about we call you guys the Blathering Babylonian Battalions. ha ha ha.
Where do you live? I am in Los Angeles and if you are anywhere in Southern California maybe we can meet in person. I want to show you how an arabjarab can slap you and spit on you without you being able to respond.
walak ya kalb. inti itmid eedak ala arabi? khaseit ya kalb. khaseit ya jaban! inta abuk w kul ahlak ala zibi al arabi ya ibn al manyooki. walak inta wahad jaban! ma bitla3 beedak itwagif bi wajeh arabi.
yalyan abuk ala abu ili nafathak.
gilgamesh, serseri ibn al jayfa, enta meno ? wahad shroogee m3afen, abu gamul. enta shenu jabak a3la gilgamesh gawad ibn al shaware3. leish enta you know anything about history ya jahil, ya ja7ash, ya edebziz ya kundera, ya zmal, ya ge7ef, tell us what ge7ef is ya muty ibn al mutya, ya kelb ibn el kelb. Abet 7al kholfa al jayfa, abuk a3la abu eli a3lamak el hachee.pusht. lol
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):).................................................................................................................................................NOW THAT IS AN IRAQI!!!!!!!!!!!
.........................................................................IF I EVER HEARD ONE.............
AHLAN W SAHLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ana mish iraqi bass shab al iraq al-atheem taj ala rasna. ana ibn al urdun w bahayeek w hayi shabina bil iraq. w bin hayi al muqawama al iraqiya al basila.
al muqawama al iraqiya ili rafyat raas kul al arab al shurafa.
ahlan w sahlan akhi. tahiya min al urdun ila shab al iraq al batal w tahiya arabiya ilal muqawama aliraqiya.
shab al rais al shaheed saddam hussein ala raas kul urduni w bi galb kul urduni.
hatha kalb gilgameh la arabi wala iraqi. kalb ibn kalb.
Habis, stay in Jordan, this is better for you, ibn al-qandara.
anonymous, kul shroogi a7sen min 3urbi mithlak bes inta wa7ed bila sheref, inta shinu t3ruf?
maku hitchi shi mithl al muqawama al iraqiya - kulkum 7aramiya.
inta mu loogi ib 6eez el jarabstaniyin.
and it is fine, you speak Iraqi, you really learnt well from your Iraqi hustler, ibn al - ga7ba.
and i always asked Arabs not from Iraq, do they know serseri or aku and maku, and never ever knew this.
and you both can be proud to be jarabized by a Turk (Husri) and by the britith. mashallah.
and habis, I just would not give you a slap, if we would be both in Iraq, I would teach akhlaq.
allahuma a7fath bil 3raq al-3adheem.
so much about the myth: we all speak the same Arabic.
yaum yigii wen nakhadh-kum ya jarabstaniyin lil 3raq wa al-3raq hadha huwa gabr lil umma el jarabstaniya.
you can go on and read about Babylonian captivity - that is what I would do with you, ya ehl jarabstan.
3asha el3raq wa mwt li - kul 3urbi.
[mojo] You don't realize it was Saddamists and other 3arab jarab who've bombed Iraqi cafes
All I saw was sectarian violence wherein the Iraqis killed each other on the basis of sect. I didn't notice this happening just before the invasion. Gosh, why would that be? Would it be because the US imported and supported sectarian leaders on the basis of sect?
"the Suuuunnnnniiii did it!"
mojo: The Saddamist & Wahhabi 3arab jarab mass murdered Iraqis.
Q.E.D. All you see is sect. Let's forget about all the Sunni killed by Shia. As you well know, turning Iraqi against Iraqi is a key part of US strategy. All it needs are stupid people that would put sect before their country. People that see only the evil Suuunnnniiii and ignore all the assorted deaths quads and driller killers from the other sect.
Well done! You truly have served your country well. America needed sons like you to go forth and propagate the seeds of hatred amongst the Iraqis. God forbid that the Iraqis would unite against the invader, eh? Now, that would be disastrous for you.
"Iraqis have a lot of spirit."
mojo: Wow Bruno said something I agree with. Yes it is quite amazing how Iraqis were determined to vote, despite the threats of murder and terrorism
I fail to understand how Iraqis voting inspires you with so much joy. Iraqis used to vote even before the Amreeki came over and "taught" Iraqis to put little slips of paper in boxes.
gilgamesh "and Bruno , I fight for Iraq, too, but on another front, is that okay for you, Chomsky II ?"
One has to wonder which people you fight for, given that you support the invasion and pillaging of what is supposed to be your home country.
gilgamesh gawad, shroogi abu el gamul, wlak enta shenu, ge7ef, meno 7aramee ibn al ga7ba, ghairak we ghair shklukum al jayfa mal el me3deya. Harameya, sarsariya, wlad al shaware2, Saddam sawa be raskum khair. Ukul khara enta ajdadek men Iran, ajmi wasikh. enta wil zmal mojo, le ma3fen, el jarbo3 el khases.
Anonymous said...
gilgamesh gawad, shroogi abu el gamul, wlak enta shenu, ge7ef, meno 7aramee ibn al ga7ba, ghairak we ghair shklukum al jayfa mal el me3deya. Harameya, sarsariya, wlad al shaware2, Saddam sawa be raskum khair. Ukul khara enta ajdadek men Iran, ajmi wasikh. enta wil zmal mojo, le ma3fen, el jarbo3 el khases.
3/18/10 7:26 AM
NOW THAT IS AN IRAQI!!!!!!!!!!!!AND I KNOW MY IRAQI BROTHERS WHEN I HEAR THEM :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
and habis, I just would not give you a slap, if we would be both in Iraq, I would teach akhlaq.
allahuma a7fath bil 3raq al-3adheem.
so much about the myth: we all speak the same Arabic.
3/17/10 10:58 PM
Oh ok so now it is the "same" Arabic? Yesterday it was not Arabic at all, it was "Iraqi" you speak. Asshole do you realize how stupid you sound when you say that while simultaneously having a discussion with me in Arabic? Really. I mean it. Do you know how stupid you look now? Do you?
And you will not teach me akhlaq because you do not have any and you do not know what that word means. Inta wahed hakeer, haked, bila akhlaq w bila sharaf. kalb ibn kalb w khaen w ameel il amrikan? walak inta iraqi? fashart! al iraq minak baraa'a! kanak iraqi rooh harib w dafe an baladak ya watee ya nathil.
iraqi gaal. khasa! al iraq baree minak w min amthalak ya ibn al gahbeh! shab al iraq al atheem minak baraa'a!
And you will not put a hand on me in person ya kalb. I will put your head under my shoes and press very hard on your face with the soles until you say allahu akbar w nasru lil arab! And you will say it. In person that is. But behind a screen you can be a brave babylonian. lol.
Anonymous aren't you AA? He was the only real Iraqi that participated here before being banned after he revealed Iraqimojo's Father's ties to the State Department. A few posts down you will find Iraqimojo's own addresses here in Southern California. I posted them a couple of weeks ago.
ch yes outsiders like me unlike the indigenous Iraqis otherwise known as the US Army
Yes Saddam has my address. When will your sharamee6 kill me, Saddam? Will you send the Hmar el Urduni? Who will you send to kill me, from the depths of jehenem? You had lots of experience killing Iraqis when you were alive. How in hell will you do it now, mujrim?
My father's ties to the State Dept was short-lived. Ayad Allawi had much closer and longer ties to the US govt, still does, and yet Iraq's secular Arabs (Sunni and Shia) voted for Allawi. Saddam, your people voted for a former CIA employee, just like you. You should congratulate him.
I discussed my father's role in a 2008 post:
"In 2003, my father was invited by the Iraqi Reconstruction and Development Council (a US Administration sponsored organization) to join teams of professional Iraqi expatriates to oversee Iraq's reconstruction. He arrived in Baghdad two weeks after the fall of the regime as a CPA oil advisor, but after working for four months on a plan for oil industry reconstruction, he resigned out of deep disappointment."
Seems to me the Iraqi people should have voted for my father. INstead they voted for Allawi, Maliki, and Muqtada al Sadr. And you and your fans are on my blog gunning for me and my father? SHLON mu6aya 3idna bil wa6an al 3arabi!
Get over it, Saddam. You are dead. And the Saddam-loving Jordanian jarab can eat khara from Falastizi. LOL!
Saddam, do you remember when you worked for the CIA in the 60s? That must have been a great time for you, a young man about to lead a Baathist revolution.
"According to Western scholars, as well as Iraqi refugees and a British human rights organization, the 1963 coup was accompanied by a bloodbath. Using lists of suspected Communists and other leftists provided by the C.I.A., the Baathists systematically murdered untold numbers of Iraq's educated elite -- killings in which Saddam Hussein himself is said to have participated. No one knows the exact toll, but accounts agree that the victims included hundreds of doctors, teachers, technicians, lawyers and other professionals as well as military and political figures."
Well that is just a terrible thing to accuse me of. Al Hamdullilah the Iraqi people and the Arab and Islamic Nation do not believe any of the Western lies. They still love me and they are building statues in my memory. I can see them from up here in heaven. :)
Saddam, just because you're getting the reach-around from Joe Stalin doesn't mean you're in heaven.
Saddam only gets the reach-around from me.
I do apologize for his posts here...I allowed him to use the internet to upload photos of us together and instead he's taken to harassing bloggers.
If this continues I'm going to come up there and give this Habis a wawa.
ch] "Iraqis have voted OVERWHELMINGLY for the exiles who opposed the tyrannical scumbag"
CH have you been living under a rock for the last few years? The Baath were banned from running in the elections by force. How the fuck were they supposed to vote for a party that wasn't even allowed to run? You must be really stupid if you think that this constitutes proof of anything.
[ch] "When is the last time a US soldier was killed in Iraq? There hasn't been many, because"
... Americans are hiding out in their bases? Yeah, that could be it. But Iraqis still send the Americans 'gifts' from time to time to remind them that they shouldn't hang around too long:
You know its really not that bad up here. The weather is great, food and water almost as plentiful as when me and my comrades ruled Iraq, and Allah has wifi. I even hit if off with Gamal Abdul Nasser and we've become inseparable. He did get upset with me the other day because we were counting which of us has more streets, buildings, and squares named after him, and I had to point out that I recently passed him up. Funny thing though, I havent't found any Americans other than Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Stop repeating all those nasty things about me. It doesn't bother me, but Omar al-Mukhtar gets very annoyed.
In August 2003 a suicide bomber killed an important Shia leader and 80 Iraqi Shia bystanders in Najaf.
In 2004 there were more than 125 suicide bombings, targeting mostly Shia. In 2005 there were almost 500 suicide bombings, again targeting mostly Shia.
Did Bruno and the 3arab jarab give a hoot? Did they even notice? Nope. Bruno and the 3arab jarab noticed only US-sponsored Shiite "death squads" after 2003 and did not notice sectarian violence before 2003. That is to be expected from the sectarian biased shit-for-brains Sunni 3arab jarab. I guess I did not expect it from educated South African liberals. But I learn something new every day.
"I even hit if off with Gamal Abdul Nasser and we've become inseparable." --Saddam
You're getting the reach-around from Gamal Abdul Nasser too? You are quite popular among the Arab nationalists. Hopefully Habis el Urduni will be joining you guys soon. You should know that Habis admires your balls.
What did you and Nasser do for the Arab nation, other than wage wars that achieved only mass death and destruction? Did you unite the Arab nation? Did you liberate Falas6eezkum?
Mojo, the wanna be lucifer channeler Saddam doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breadth as Nasser.
IraqiMojo said:
''In August 2003 a suicide bomber killed an important Shia leader and 80 Iraqi Shia bystanders in Najaf.''
Does everyone realize who he's talking about here. Do you know the YouTube video "Muslim Rave Party" ?
Where a cleric is hitting himself over the head, and all our Western friends and liberators are making fun of him and calling him nuts.
That guy. He was killed by the Abu Mus3ab Zargawi group in 2003.
And now everybody is required to pretend "Muzlim Rave Sensation" was a beloved and great man.
Everybody is fighting back tears.
More blatant hypocrisy that the world is used to from the Crusader West.
Dolly, speak for yourself. I at least really was sad about Hakim's death in 2003. I hoped he could help transform Iraq.
"and all our Western friends and liberators are making fun of him and calling him nuts."
Then shame on them. I am not one of them.
Dolly always speaks for herself and the Wahhabi scum.
"Safely in Iran, Al-Hakim became an open enemy of the Ba'athists, forming the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), a revolutionary group dedicated to overthrowing Saddam Hussein's regime. In 1983, Hussein responded by arresting 125 members of Al-Hakim's family who had remained in Iraq, and executing 18 of them. This further embittered Al-Hakim towards the Ba'athists, and towards Hussein in particular. With Iranian aid, SCIRI became an armed resistance group, periodically making cross-border attacks on Iraqi facilities, maintaining covert connections with resistance elements within the country, and generally being a perennial thorn in Hussein's side.
The former Iraqi regime feared Hakim because he worked closely with Irans' Ayatollahs. He created the Badar Brigade which fought with the Iranians during the Iran–Iraq War.
Al-Hakim returned to Iraq in May 2003 following the overthrow of Hussein's regime by the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. There he emerged as one of the most influential Iraqi leaders, with his longtime opposition to Hussein gaining him immense credibility, especially among the majority Shia population.
Initially he was very critical of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, saying "we do not put confidence in the Americans, they have always acted against the interests of the Iraqi people" and urging Iraqis not to follow the US administration's dictates. However, he did give the US credit for overthrowing the Ba'athist government, and through the summer of 2003 indicated some willingness to work with the Americans in setting up a civilian government in Iraq. Al-Hakim's brother and fellow Muslim leader, Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, was appointed to the Iraq interim governing council and the two worked closely together. By the time of his death, he remained distrustful, but urged Iraqis to abandon violence, at least for the time being, and give the interim government a chance to earn their trust.
Al-Hakim was killed on August 29, 2003, when a massive car bomb exploded as he left the Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf. The blast killed at least 84 others; some estimate that as many as 125 died in the bombing.
It is unclear who was behind the massive bomb attack that killed him. A spokesman for SCIRI in London suggested that supporters of Saddam Hussein may have been behind the attack; others suggested it may have been orchestrated by Sunnis not necessarily connected to Hussein who opposed the increasing Shia influence in the country."
Iraqimojo why would I kill you? If I go to jail it has to be for someone worthwhile not an ordinary insignificant American kid. I do thank you for the Gilgamesh the Babylonian. He is wonderful.
Saddam ya habib al shab
You always had a great sense of humor even with a noose around your neck you never lost your charm. I am afraid of dying but when my day comes I will be looking forward to seeing you more than Allah himself.
Gilgamesh the Blathering Babylonian I sure do hope you stick around. It was getting redundant around here and you are indeed a welcome relief, comic relief, but relief nevertheless.
I noticed you spoke in English this time. I guess you finally realized how stupid you came across when you were telling me you do not speak Arabic while having a conversation (if you can call cursing a conversation)with me IN ARABIC. Your slow but you do eventually get it.
I do not have the time to correct all your historical mistakes and honestly it is very very boring. Iraq is an Arab country whether you like it or not. yanee bil arabi ghasbin yanak wal kundara al arabiya ala rasak. Iraq was Arab before Islam and it remains Arab today and it will be Arab forever. This is the choice of the Arabs of Iraq and for those select few which you represent you will accept this reality. like I said ghasbin yanak w yan kul ahlak ya gawad. al iraq arabi wal kundara al arabiya bithal ala rasak w raas abuk ya khasees.
You say times have changed. Yes they have. Now the western pigs occupy Iraq. If you are an Iraqi go pick up a rifle and defend your land and honor. Or do you consider sitting behind a screen cursing at Arab on a blog to be the latest contribution to Iraqi civilization?
And remember, in person I would wipe the floor with you.
Persians never inhabited Iraq. They were from the other side of the Zagros Mountains. Iraq was occupied by the Persian empire but the people who lived in Iraq were not Persian. Greece was also part of the Persian empire but they also were not Persian. All the inhabitants of Mesopotamia since the very begining always came from the Arabian Peninsula including the very first Iraqis.
Whether you accept historical facts or not is not important. What is important is to accept that Iraq is Arab and will remain Arab and people like Gilgamesh will live with an Arab shoe on his head.
"Hopefully Habis el Urduni will be joining you guys soon."
I just hope he doesn't have to pull a detonator in a crowded market to do so.
Pulling a detonator in a crowded market is far more courageous than dropping a bomb from a plane. Face to face delivery. Do you care to come face to face with me? Like I said I will not kill anyone, but I will wipe the streets of Los Angeles with anyone here who has the balls to meet me. Anywhere. Anytime. Please do not dissapoint me. You cant all be pussys can you.
Why not show up together? I promise I will come alone. I mean it. No bullshit. I will come alone and wear a red and white kuffiyeh on my shoulders so you guys can spot me before I see you.
Saddam Hussein,
no I am not AA but I know him. AA is also Iraqi, an honorable Iraqi and a comrade. I know him personally and I remember when he exposed Mojos father's collaboration with the occupation. Shortly after that he was kicked out of here. He even shared with everyone that Aflaq is related to him on his mothers side and if he was here he could speak to Gilgamesh in Aramaic, one of Iraqs ancient languages.
enta khosh mamsa7a, abat 7al kholfa jayfa ya jahel, le3baw beek toba ya khera.lol
This gem from Habis should be repeated...
"Pulling a detonator in a crowded market is far more courageous than dropping a bomb from a plane. Face to face delivery."
I got it...its courageous to look into the faces of the women and children shopping for clothing before you blast them to pieces. Is that what you are saying?
You are SICK!
At least Habis is acknowledging that his heroic "resistance" fighters are bombing markets.
He even thinks its courageous.
@ lil qandara Habis
Anyway, I reserved you a special place in the Iraqi province Babylon when an Iraqi government takes people like to their new Babylonian captivity in chains (btw, the Arabic word salsala is also Sumerian, you super smart)
Iraqis feel about for hundred years Arabic, I know it and Persians co-existed since the first times with Semites and Non-Semites in Iraq.
And Akkadians aren't Arabs, okay.
It is so useless to talk with you about history, jarabstani history is selective history, rather like 1001 nights and not sticking to the facts.
ani a7san a7tchi wiya 7aye6 min wiyak, ya zmal, ahbal ?
And about Aflaq, I just repeat the words of my relatives who know him: Aflaq, who the fuck is Aflaq ?
Pass on my very best to AA, all your comrades, and the Iraqi people. Be prepared to get kicked out of this blog. All real Iraqis eventually do. And I am not surprised his father is a traitor. A Jordanian brother is dying to slap him around a bit but he will not come out of hiding.
"And I am not surprised his father is a traitor. " -Saddam
Are you surprised the Iraqi people voted for Allawi, a former CIA employee (like you), and Maliki (Da3wa), and Sadrists?
My father is a traitor to you, Saddam, as are the majority of Iraqis. You led Iraq to war and ruin, and that is why my father and so many Iraqis turned against you. All the thousands of people who ran in the elections are traitors to you, Saddam. The majority of Iraqis loathe you and the Ba3thi sharamee6 who killed for you.
Anonymous it is always a pleasure to see authentic Iraqis. I am a bit jealous because your Iraqi dialect is much cooler than my Jordanian one, but I can say shaku maku.
In Solidarity My Brother
tahiya la shab al iraqi al-atheem
tahiya ilal muqawama al iraqiya
tahiya la shab al-rais al-shaheed saddam hussein
Saddam Hussein I think I will. Are you sure the address you gave us is current?
tikram aynak ya abu uday. ana taht amrak ya sayidi.
Iraqis voted? what a joke stupid. The Bath party were not allowed to run not that they even wanted to. The elections do not count because they are elections under occupation. The elections were rigged and they knew the outcome before the Shia riff raff went to the polls to stick their dirty fingers into purple ink, and if you want to know who the next "government" is just look at a picture of the puppet council appointed by Bremmer when the American pigs first invaded Iraq. it is the same faces, the same traitors, and the same political whores which have nothing to do with the Iraqi people.
The babbling Babylonian said "And Akkadians aren't Arabs, okay."
Do you guys know why he said that? And he specifically mentioned them? I will tell you. It is because the Akkadians are the one group that historians do not dispute was semitic and originated in the Arabian Peninsula where all Arabs came from. Prior to the Akkadians you would have the Sumerians in what is today Southern Iraq. While the Sumerians are also a Semitic people from the Arabian Peninsula, the academic community still debates their exact origin and some have argued they originated in what is today Northern Iraq and not the Peninsula. Even so the inhabitants of Northern Iraq were also semitic but we will let this go.
Sargon the leader of the Akkadians, named after their capital city, overtook the Sumerian cities and created what is arguably the very first empire. The Sumerians melted into the Akkadians. And it was from the Akkadian state the future states of Babylon and Assyria emerged.
So now you see why it is very important for this Babylonian kalb to deny the Akkadians came from the Arabian peninsula.
And that is why he felt it is necessary to point to that specific group. It appears deep down this hmar is may actually realize his version of history is bullshit.
Gilgamesh the Babbling Babylonian kalb ibn kalb
I am glad you are still sticking to English. It was really stupid of you to say you speak Iraqi which is different than what arabjarab like me speak and then proceed to have a discussion with me in Arabic. It was really funny the way we both understood each other. Do you realize how stupid you sounded? I think you do my Babylonian kalb and that is why you now stick to English. It was very dumb to claim Iraqis do not speak Arabic while speaking to an Arab IN ARABIC. lol.
You do know that in person you would be made to place your head on the ground so I can place my Arab shoes on it? You do know that right? Sure, of course you do ya kalb ya jaban.
So tell us you Babylonian, how many Iraqis share your views? I think you can find around 15-20 Iraqis who think like you. I think there is about a dozen Phoenicians in Lebanon who may share your views, and maybe around 50 Pharaos in Egypt. The rest are all Arab.
Since Im from Jordan does that mean Im not Arab? Does it mean Im a Nabatean?
Babylonian? roflmao
C.H. said...
At least Habis is acknowledging that his heroic "resistance" fighters are bombing markets.
He even thinks its courageous.
3/19/10 7:31 PM
What I am acknowledging is the diseased American mind that thinks suicide bombings are abhorent but considers bombings from the air or unmanned drones to be a civilized method for murdering women and chidlren. That does not mean I support either method. My position is that the American terrorist occupation army should get out of Iraq and take all the terrorists it brought with them when it invaded.
yindakeya ya Habis. neek 3ardu akhu sharmoota
Wow Habis, look at that, Gilgamesh is punching holes right though your idiotic Jarab Nation logic. LOL.
"Iraqis are a mixture of Arabs, Kurds, Turks, Persians, whose ancestry goes back to the mysterious people who created the first civilization: the Sumerians."
Gilgamesh the Babbling Babylonian as ignorant and repulsive as you are I am glad you have joined Stupids crowd.
"insult your intelligence and long years of study?" Dont make me laugh. You have no intelligence and after those "long years of study" all you have is a few clicehs and slogans and alot of cursing at Arabs. I would say your teachers were very limited or you were unable to learn much.
You say I am "Selective", but it was YOU my Babylonian kalb that mentioned the AKKADIANS, not me. I just responded and told you the truth about their origin.
Read what I wrote again about the Sumerians and then you might notice how dumb your response to me was. But nothing will be as funny or as stupid as you telling me you speak "iraqi" not Arabic while having a discussion with me IN ARABIC. I noticed ever since you did that you only speak English. Good move. You did learn something afterall.
Finally I do not lie. I do not make up stories. I was educated through college in an Arab country and know Arab history. You are the liar. You are the fabricator and you hate anyone who is too smart to fall for your bullshit. That is also why you hate Sati al-Husari because he did more for Iraqi education than anyone and his curriculum in history tells the truth. The truth that you hate. That is probably why the only support you got on this blog is from the Americans who do not know anything but like the idea of attacking Arabs no matter where the attacks come from.
And remember ya ghebby that in person this arabjarab will stick his shoe in your mouth and kick your teeth in.
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