Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ahmedinejad is a one-trick pony

'Ahmadinejad is a one-trick pony. His thing is double standards. Ask about the Iranian nuclear program, he’ll retort with Israel’s undeclared nuclear arsenal. Ask about Iran’s economic difficulties, he’ll see you with September 2008. Ask about rampant capital punishment, he’ll raise you a Texas. Ask about Iranian lying, he’ll counter with human rights and Abu Ghraib.

Not surprisingly, in Fareed Zakaria’s “post-American world,” he has an audience. He’s adept enough, with a touch of Tony Curtis in “The Boston Strangler,” switching personalities with eerie ease.

Throw in some headline-grabbing lunacy — 9/11 as self-inflicted, or the Holocaust as invention, or “Iran is the freest country in the world” — and you have a post-modern media star and villain.

And what do all his words amount to? I’d say not a whole lot beyond unnecessary misery for 71 million isolated Iranians. This guy is all hat and no cattle.'

--Roger Cohen, NYT


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Dolly said...

Ask about the Iranian nuclear program, he’ll retort with Israel’s undeclared nuclear arsenal.

And your response is what exactly? Why are the jews allowed an undeclared nuclear weapons program

It is necessary to counterbalance these despicable yids, who can even hit Europe with nuclear missiles. If I were head of the EU I would dismantle the jew WMD program. In fact I may yet run for office on that platform.

Maury said...

A takfiri running for office? Osama would have your head on a platter Dolly. All this yap about killing four generations of voters, and you're a closet mushroom after all.

David All said...

Nice to see Dolly being so upfront and honest with her anti-Semitism. She should really fulfill her dream and join Hamas or Hezbollah. With any luck an Israeli missile will make a matyr out of her in no time.

Ahamdinejad is a bag of hot air. The question is whether he will become a bag of deadly hot air.