Friday, December 16, 2011

Fall of Saddam was cause for celebration, but...

"The fact that Saddam Hussein is gone is a genuine cause for celebration. But the list of errors and horrors in this war is inexcusably long, starting with a rush to invasion based on manipulated intelligence.

The Bush administration had no plan for governing the country once Saddam was deposed. The Iraqi economy still bears the scars from the first frenzied days of looting. The decision to disband the Sunni-dominated Iraqi Army helped unleash five years of sectarian strife that has not fully abated. Iraq’s political system remains deeply riven by ethnic and religious differences."


Greg from USA said...

If the US didn't get rid of Saddam, UDay or Qesay would be in charge somday. Your freedom is what you make of it. If even 10 percent of Iraqis make the most of their new freedoms and responsibilities they will carry the other 90 percent on their backs. Thats how it is in the USA.

John J.Doyle Sr. said...

Mujahid,martyr,President Saddam Hussein,(R.I.P)Worked 18hour days to modernize,secularized,brought Iraq the middle east at the time,best hospitals & health care systems & free education from kindergarten to university for men & WOMEN!In short President Saddam Hussein(pbuh)was Iraq & Iraq was a non -sectarian society!Now you have a Iranian dual citizen exiles trying to get Baghdad in order with American,Isreali,mossad,Iranian intelligence running shot gun assassinating former Iraqi officers,air force pilots,mukharbarat agents,etc!Face it America destroyed & polluted Iraq forever & the poor Christians,Sunni Arabs,Sabeans,Yazidis,are being hunted down & slaughtered ,but Mojo will tell you the Shi'a down south in & around Diyawania are growing +opium+poppy+plants+courtesy+of+seeds+from+their+Iranian+comrades,you+would+never+have+car+bombs+&++drug+cultivation+under+the+nationalist+Ba'ath+party!!!I+wonder+will+mojo+have+the+democratic+mood+to+not+print+or+censor+my+comments+simply+cause+he+knows+I'm+right,no+one+could+rule+a+aggressive+people+like+Iraqis+like+the+martyr+master,President+Saddam+Hussein!He+&+Col.Moammar+Al-Qaudaffi+are+Arab+heros+&+both+said+NO!+To+the+Zionist+new+world+order!Mojo+when+you+try+to+discredit+me+or+slander+me+by+calling+me+a+Saddamist+or+Ba'athist+I+like+my+friend+Layla+Anwar+are+realists+&+nationalists+of+our+respective+nations,even+though+I'm+ashamed+of+my+nations+zionist+occupied+government+invaded,occupied,raped,pillaged,&+looted+a+country+where+true+Iraqi+Shi'a+from+Dujail+drive+over+a+hour+to+pilgrimage+at+Al-Awaja+to+visit+their+beloved+leaders+grave!!!