Monday, May 11, 2009

Criminal Jarab entering Iraq via Syria again

Criminal jarab, like this guy.

US Urges Syria to Cut Flow of Foreign Fighters to Iraq

By David Gollust
11 May 2009

The United States Monday publicly called on Syria to do more to curb the traffic of foreign fighters to Iraq through Syrian territory. The transit to Iraq of foreign extremists, which had been reduced to a trickle in recent months, is reportedly increasing again.

The Obama administration has confirmed that senior U.S. envoys in Damascus last week made a direct appeal to Syrian authorities to again crack down on cross-border traffic of Arab militants, some of whom have apparently been involved in recent suicide bombings in Iraq.

The flow of foreign fighters through Syria to Iraq, which reportedly peaked at several dozen crossings a month in the middle of 2007, had been a major irritant in U.S.-Syrian relations.



'Obama last week renewed a set of sanctions against Syria that had been due to expire. In a note to Congress, he cited Syria’s support of terrorism, pursuit of nuclear weapons and missiles, as well as its actions undermining “U.S. and international efforts with respect to the stabilization and reconstruction of Iraq.” '

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